Hello, Hola,and WELCOME to my blog! Here's a few things about me that you should know, to better help you understand WHY I decided to make this awesome blog!Well first off, I'm a college student aspiring to be in the medical field...more specifically..a doctor. I also love fashion and beauty, as well as the latest technology and music! I strongly believe in the "work hard play hard" saying, so that is my MOTTO! As well as "You don't get a second chance for first impressions" :) Hahaha and I hope that so far you are impressed, and continue to read my blog, and follw, share...(you know, all that good stuff!) What you can look forward to EXPERIENCING in my blog:*Fabulous medical tips and tricks and secrets (Yes, beauty inside AND out,you guys! For ex: Great things that make your skin GLOW, how to get that beach bod (yes, even without sensa) Because believe it or not all things related to beauty has a science behind it! ;)*Great vacation ideas...VA-cation. STAY-cation, the whole ten yards *Seasonal Fashion (A must-have!)*Budget Fashion Tips! (Great for this economy! Yikes! :) )*Studying Ideas and Helpful Hints..from one student to another..spreading the love!* Technology..that is entertaining, YET will still help with those headache assignments on the go!*Last but not least, DORM/APARTMENT decorating! Living on style on or OFF campus! :DCONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE NOW BEEN ACCEPTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF GLAM! ALL $FREE$ yet extremely HELPFUL! :D
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